Volume The Third of Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire covers much the same time span as Volume 1 of Bury's History of the Later Roman Empire. The following tables show what sections in Bury's work correspond to Gibbon's chapters.
Gibbon | Bury |
XXVIII Final Destruction of Paganism – Introduction of the Worship of Saints, and Relics, among the Christians |
11.3 Persecution of Paganism |
XXIX Final Division of the Roman Empire between the Sons of Theodosius – Reign of Arcadius and Honorius – Administration of Rufinus and Stilicho – Revolt and Defeat of Gildo in Africa | 5.1 Stilicho and Rufinus (AD 395) 5.2. Stilicho and Eutropius (AD 396-397) 5.3 The Rebellion of Gildo (AD 397-398) |
XXX Revolt of the Goths – They plunder Greece. Two great Invasions of Italy by Alaric and Radagaisus – They are repulsed by Stilicho – The Germans over-run Gaul – Usurpation of Constantine in the West – Disgrace and Death of Stilicho | 5.2 Stilicho and Eutropius (AD 396-397) 5.6 Alaric's First Invasion of Italy (AD 401-403) 5.7 Last Years and Fall of Stilicho (AD 405-408) |
XXXI Invasion of Italy by Alaric – Manners of the Roman Senate and People – Rome is thrice besieged, and at length pillaged by the Goths – Death of Alaric – The Goths evacuate Italy – Fall of Constantine – Gaul and Spain are occupied by the Barbarians – Independence of Britain | 6.1 Alaric's Second Invasion of Italy, The Three Sieges of Rome (AD 408-410) 6.2 The German Invasion of Gaul and Spain, and the Tyranny of Constantine III (AD 406-411) 6.3 The Tyranny of Jovinus and the Reign of Athaulf in Gaul (AD 412-415) (note Bury's Athaulf = Gibbon's Adolphus) 6.4 Settlement of the Visigoths in Gaul, and of the Vandals and Sueves in Spain (AD 415-423) |
XXXII Arcadius Emperor of the East – Administration and Disgrace of Eutropius – Revolt of Gainas – Persecution of St. John Chrysostom – Theodosius II, Emperor of the East – His Sister Pulcheria – His Wife Eudocia – The Persian War, and Division of Armenia | 5.4 The Fall of Eutropius and the German Danger in the East (AD 398-400) 5.5 John Chrysostom 7.1 The Regency of Anthemius (AD 408-414) 7.2 Regency of the Empress Pulcheria (AD 414-416) 7.4 The Empress Eudocia |
XXXIII Death of Honorius – Valentinian III, Emperor of the West – Administration of his Mother Placidia – Aetius and Boniface – Conquest of Africa by the Vandals | 7.3 The Usurpation of John at Ravenna, and Elevation of Valentinian III (AD 423-425) 8.1 Regency of the Empress Placidia. The Defence of Gaul (AD 425-430) 8.2 Invasion of Africa by the Vandals (AD 429-435) 8.4 Settlement of the Vandals in Africa (AD 435-442) |
XXXIV The Character, Conquests, and Court of Attila, King of the Huns – Death of Theodosius the Younger – Elevation of Marcian to the Empire of the East | 7.6 The Reign of Marcian (AD 450-457) 9.2 The Hun Invasions of the Balkan Peninsula (AD 441-448) 9.3 The Empire and Court of Attila |
XXXV Invasion of Gaul by Attila – He is repulsed by Aetius and the Visigoths – Attila invades and evacuates Italy – The Deaths of Attila, Aetius, and Valentinian the Third | 9.4 Attila's Invasions of Gaul and Italy, and the Fall of the Hun Empire (AD 450-454) 9.5 Deaths of Aetius (454) and Valentinian III (455) |
XXXVI Sack of Rome by Genseric, King of the Vandals – His naval Depredations – Succession of the last Emperors of the West, Maximus, Avitus, Majorian, Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius, Nepos, Augustulus – Total Extinction of the Western Empire – Reign of Odoacer, the first Barbarian King of Italy | Chapter 10 LEO I AND RICIMER'S RULE IN ITALY 12.4 The Rise of Odovacar and his Rule in Italy (AD 473-489) |
XXXVII Origin, Progress, and Effects of the monastic Life – Conversion of the Barbarians to Christianity and Arianism – Persecution of the Vandals in Africa – Extinction of Arianism among the Barbarians | 11.5 Monasticism |
XXXVIII Reign and Conversion of Clovis – His Victories over the Alemanni, Burgundians, and Visigoths – Establishment of the French Monarchy in Gaul – Laws of the Barbarians – State of the Romans – The Visigoths of Spain – Conquest of Britain by the Saxons | 10.5 Extension of German Rule in Gaul and Spain |
General Observations on the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West | 9.7 Modern Views on the Collapse of the Empire |
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