Time has gotten way from me! And the library was closed Saturday for the holiday weekend, so I didn't get the book until today and am furiously reading now.
The Roman Way by Edith Hamilton. Edith Hamilton (1867–1963) didn't start writing until the age of 62! "The Greek Way" was her first book (1930). "The Roman Way" was published in 1932.
Edith Hamilton on Wikpedia (as usual handle with care).
[The Roman Way] is in no sense a history of Rome, but an attempt to show what the Romans were as they appear in their great authors, to set forth the combination of qualities they themselves prove are peculiarly Roman, distinguishing them from the rest of Antiquity. A people's literature is the great text-book for real knowledge of them … The force Rome had to mould her people is evident on every page of her literature.
So Hamilton writes in her Preface. This promises to be an excellent discussion. From Plautus to Juvenal. No Apuleius?
Hamilton circa 1897, Dresden. Courtesy Wikimedia Commons.