hat tip Caroline Lawrence
Now you can play what the Romans played on your Macintosh computer. Using the latest in Artificial Intelligence, we’ve recreated this ancient game for your enjoyment. It’s completely free, and is licensed under an Open Source license.
Latrunculi at Smith's Dictionary (LacusCurtius)
(πεσσοί, ψήφοι), draughts. The invention of a game resembling draughts was attributed by the Greeks to Palamedes
(Abacus, § 5). The game is certainly mentioned by Homer, who represents the suitors of Penelope amusing themselves with it (Od. I.107). Others ascribed the invention to the Egyptian Theuth (Plat. Phaedr.
p274d); and the paintings in Egyptian tombs, which are of far higher
antiquity than any Grecian monuments, not unfrequently represent
persons employed in this recreation. read on