LEʹGES CORNEʹLIAE. Various laws passed in the dictatorship of Sulla and by his influence.
Read about them in detail in Smith's Dictionary.
Sulla also effected a sweeping reform of the courts, making them standing ones and dividing them into probably eight quaestiones perpetuae:
ambitus (electoral corruption)
de falsis (forgery and counterfeiting)
iniuriarum (libel)
maiestas (treason)
peculatus (embezzlement)
repetundae (extortion)
de sicariis et veneficis (murder)
vis (public violence)
I have seen ten quaestiones mentioned, but can't find any details. Comments are invited.
The most famous repetundae trial was against Gaius Verres in 70 BC with Cicero as prosecutor -- the only time he prosecuted. Against Verres, Orationes in C. Verrem.
M. Tullius Cicero actually first came to fame during Sulla's dictatorship, successfully defending Sextus Roscius against the accusation of murdering his father, who had been killed in the proscription. Oration for Sextus Roscius of Ameria, pro Sex. Roscio Amerino Oratio.